New Robotics

Ken Steen

38 Posts


Robotics Archives - New VenturistNew Venturist

Robotics help train master surgeons at UW Hospital – WKOW

Robotics help train master surgeons at UW HospitalWKOWSurgeons all over the world are using robotics more often in the operating room. 27 News got an inside look at a surgery performed with a new robot at the hospital. The new equipment will provide better flexibility for surgeons and help those still in …and more »

Do We Really Need a Federal Robotics Commission? (Reason Magazine – Hit and Run)

University of Washington law professor Ryan Calo offers over at the Brookings Institution the modest proposal that the Feds create a Robotics Commission to oversee developments in that field.
Calo cites current confusion among various agencies about how to respond to the development of drones, driverless cars, and algorithmic stock trading as evidence that the government needs a robotics commission to serve as a central repository for expertise on robotics. Calo rejects the notion that the new commision should be some kind of enforcement agency like the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, or the Food and Drug Administration. However, bureaucratic precedents suggest that Calo's good intentions regarding such advisory agencies are likely to be subverted as the commissioners over time seek to expand their budgets and power.
Ultimately, I fear that a Federal Robotics Commission would do for robots and artificial intelligence what the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has done for nuclear power.
See also, my article, "Will Superintelligent Machines Destroy Humanity?"

News with Japan Robot : World's first robotic broadcasters …

Robots using tools: With new grant, researchers aim to create ...…

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