Posted On 08 Oct 2014

Vivek Wadhwa: Silly apps aren't the future of technology – WRAL Tech Wire
Vivek Wadhwa: Silly apps aren't the future of technologyWRAL Tech WireSuch exponential advances are also occurring in the fields of medicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, synthetic biology and 3-D printing. Futurist Ray Kurzweil notes that as any technology becomes an information technology, it starts advancing …
Robots to learn from Nurses (bostonherald)
On the labor and delivery floor of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, about 20 so-called ninja nurses use their sixth sense to efficiently assign staff and resources to patients to make sure everyone gets the care and attention they need.
Now, a doctor and an Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor are teaming up to use their medical and robotics expertise to improve how machines work with humans, and make hospitals a bit better in the process.