Programmable Robot Kits

Ken Steen

38 Posts


Robot Kits, Robotics, and Toy Robots

UNCG's School of Education gets $7.7 million federal grant – Greensboro News & Record

Greensboro News & RecordUNCG's School of Education gets $7.7 million federal grantGreensboro News & RecordGREENSBORO — UNCG will use a $7.7 million federal grant to help students learn by doing high-tech stuff. The university's School of Education will get nearly $1.6 million a year for the next five years for the fiscal year that starts today. The money …and more »

Intel futurist shows off Jimmy the 21st century robot, who can detect indoor pollution (Venturebeat?format=xml)

Jimmy is an open-source robot that is inspired by the Maker movement.

Robot Kits (LEGO)

ER-6 Programmable Educational Robot Kit (MA-VIN)

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